Why Should You Think of Purchasing a Villa on Koh Samui?

Real Estate in Thailand

Why Should You Think of Purchasing a Villa on Koh Samui?

On Samui villas look like they belong here. This island is a terrific place that astonishes visitors with jaw-dropping vistas and beaches with countless coconut trees. While just a decade ago, the variety of accommodation options on the island was quite limited, contemporary Koh Samui offers upgraded traditional bungalows, luxurious resorts, outstanding hotels, compact condominiums, and popular Koh Samui private villas.

We can safely say that this island is a unique place in many regards. It is a fusion of modern advanced infrastructure and traditional landscapes with lots of fantastic views. It feels like a small contained cozy place while providing all necessary means to live a modern lifestyle.

It differs from Phuket to which it connects by a short bridge. Samui is surrounded by crystal clear ocean waters. Each part of the island feels like it is very close to the seaside.



There is a law that prohibits developers from building structures higher than 12 meters.

An island is a place for recreation and relaxation. It does not have the size or height of Pattaya or Phuket. The efforts of the government to protect the environment are quite successful and helped to preserve the nature and landscape in their pure form.

Some see an opportunity to invest in private property in another country as daunting. Regardless of whether you plan to buy the villa on Samui or purchase a small condominium property, there will be some issues. The good thing is that they are predictable and, more importantly, preventable. Financial and emotional benefits far outweigh problems in the long run.

If you want to purchase private property without any hassles, this guide will help provide you with all necessary knowledge.


What Is Samui?

The etymology of the name is quite impressive. Samui is a derivative from Chinese “saboey” meaning “haven”. The Thai word for island is Koh. Combined we have Koh Samui – “Safe Haven Island.” This island was discovered initially by fishermen from China and Malaysia. The untouched nature of the island was irresistible, and people moved here from all surrounding regions. A lot of sheltered easily protectable bays also incentivized initial migration.

Located in the Southern Gulf, this small piece of land is only 228 km2 and accommodates just 63 thousand islanders. Regarding attractiveness for tourists, this hub is much calmer and less crowded as many other places in Thailand.

The common perception of the island is that it is the first patch of land without any infrastructure. Lots of photos with empty beaches and beautiful vistas make people believe that there is nothing more to Samui. However, this is a fantastic tourist destination for anyone. Some of the best hotels in whole Asia are situated here.

Celebs, enthusiastic backpackers, travelers, and casual tourists from all over the world streamline to this destination attracted by merits of this terrific tropical island.

Luxurious hotels and small resorts are plentiful (over 700), two championship-level golf courses allow for extreme relaxation, and internationally praised hotel brands like Four Seasons and Hilton will impress even the most satiated traveler who has seen it all. There is no doubt that with such rapid advancement of the touristic infrastructure, Koh Samui looks like a premium place for vacations.


Why Does Samui Attract Investors?

Most investments are made by Hong Kong business, but European countries do not lag behind and purchase properties as well. After the Brexit, people from the United Kingdom slowed down regarding investing in foreign states, but French citizens make purchases regularly as well as expats from Israel and Dubai. The vast portion of investments come from the SEA region, China, and Australia. Notably, Russian buyers are also quite active.

Systematically developing infrastructures and fashionable resorts entice investors from all over the globe.

The demography of the tourism industry changed significantly with many visitors being older and more people who can afford long distance tourism arrive in the country. Entertainment and accommodation options have diversified while Plai Laem and Chanweng Noi became popular among wealthy investors.

The number of visitors from various regions of Asia also increased dramatically. After the direct air route between China and Thailand was established, the number of travelers had risen noticeably. You can pay as little as $25 to travel from Bangkok to Surathani by air or opt for a much cheaper option – a ferry.

The international airport won several huge awards, the infrastructure of the island was upgraded, and the quality of life provided to permanent inhabitants and tourists rose an entirely new level.

Vast improvements of the island made it more appealing for people to relocate to this paradise place. Many investors make it a priority to invest in Samui villas, hotels, and businesses. This positively affected the health of the real estate market.

While there are definitive upward changes in the economy and infrastructure, this is still a relatively cheap place for investors. Buying property in European countries like Portugal or Spain is less affordable. Thus, European buyers start looking elsewhere. At the same time, even Singapore and Hong Kong are more expensive from the standpoint of an investor.

There are significant benefits to Samui’s climate which allows accommodating tourists for more extended periods of time during the high season compared to other islands in the region. This promises a much better financial yield in the long run and offers better returns on investments in case you are pouring money in the premium sector of the property rental market.

After purchasing a villa on Samui, you may expect rental yields close to 30% annually.

Compared to many alternatives in the global real estate property market, Koh Samui offers a lot of benefits mostly due to lower overall prices which allow for better rental yields. Interesting environmental building laws, elaborate plans to develop the infrastructure and economy, and the determination of the government to create better conditions for foreign investors make Koh Samui a desirable target for investments.


Undeniably Efficient Investments

This paradise island is a perfect place for recreational traveling and active holidays. By focusing on creating a better place to live, the government of Thailand makes sure that Koh Samui becomes an exciting destination for tourists and retirees alike. The wave of interest emanating from millions of tourists from all over the world make this region very competitive and highly profitable for potential investors.

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